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Organizational Grant Program: Service

Organizational Grant Program

The Ralph K. Morris Foundation Cooperative Leadership Fund Organizational Grant (the “Organizational Grant”) provides financial support to help cover costs associated with training, professional development and educational programs for emerging cooperative leaders interested in the future of cooperatives, sustainability and environmental issues related to rural communities.


  • The Ralph K. Morris Foundation (the “Foundation”) must have a knowledge of and experience working with the organization through its Cooperative Leadership Fund – Individual Scholarship Program.

  • The organization and its conference must be approved by the Foundation.

  • Organizational Grants will be based, in part, upon need determined by past experience with the organization through the Cooperative Leadership Fund – Individual Scholarship Program.  Amounts granted will also be based upon funds available to the Foundation.

  • Up to $5,000 may be available on an annual basis.

  • Funds will be used to cover costs associated with travel expenses and registration fees for attendees at established cooperative education, professional development and training programs sponsored by the organization.

  • Organizational Grant recipients are eligible to receive only one grant in a calendar year.  If an organization has two or more programs, they may request that their attendees apply for a Cooperative Leadership Fund – Individual Scholarship.  The organization should let the Foundation know as soon as possible if they intend to have more than one program in a calendar year.

  • The organization must be headquartered within the United States.

  • Foundation trustees and staff, including their immediate families, are ineligible to apply for an Organizational Grant.

  • The organization will include language in their marketing materials, brochures and registration packet that will provide the Foundation with recognition for their support.  Language will be provided by the Foundation.



  • U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives Conference

  • NASCO Institute



Applications need to be received six months in advance of the conference date in order to be considered by the Foundation. The Foundation will review and respond to the request within one month following receipt of the application.



  • Complete an application form via the link below. 

  • Attach a copy of any announcement or flyer describing the program and its registration fee.  Be sure to include a brief narrative on why attendance at the meeting will benefit registrants.

  • Application must be signed by the organization’s officer or director.

  • A minimum of three months is recommended for applying for funds.

  • If applications are incomplete or unclear they will be returned without being processed.

  • Apply now online, or email or mail materials to the Ralph K. Morris Foundation​, Attn: William Nelson, 5775 Wayzata Blvd, Suite 700, Minneapolis, MN 55416 or email to ​​



  • The Organizational Grant program is administered and managed by the Foundation.

  • Each organization that receives a grant will develop their own application scholarship process.

  • Organizations that have been selected for an Organizational Grant will use their discretion in providing funds to individuals that fall within the mission of the Foundation and that would protect and enhance the reputation of the Foundation, as well as their own.  In following with the mission of the Foundation, the organization will give preference to rural applicants.

  • All unused Organizational Grant funds will be returned to the Foundation.



Organizations selected to receive an Organizational Grant will report back to the Foundation in connection with their conference.  A reporting form will be provided that will request, among other things, a list of all scholarship recipients, their contact information and their scholarship amount.  In addition, the organization will provide a summary of the evaluations received from their scholarship recipients, plus their thoughts concerning the Organizational Grant application process.


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