The Ralph K. Morris Foundation is pleased to announce that its annual event in collaboration with the National Farmers Union (NFU) has been renamed the Louis Doering Keynote Luncheon. The foundation hosts the event at the NFU College Conference on Cooperatives, which was held on February 16, 2024 at the Embassy Suites Bloomington Airport, Bloomington, Minnesoota.
The program featured keynote speaker Brad Schloesser, Executive Director, MARL (Minnesota Agriculture and Rural Leadership program). Prior to the presentation, students were joined by cooperative representatives from the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, including members of CoMinnesota, for a networking luncheon.
The annual event honors the legacy of Twin Cities cooperative leader Louis (Louie) Doering. Following a highly successful ACE (Association of Cooperative Educators) Institute in the Twin Cities in 1994, local cooperators were inspired to continue meeting to share information and ideas. Louie begin hosting monthly luncheons at his credit union through an informal group called New Visions-New Ventures, which later evolved into CoMinnesota.
At these gatherings, Louie would introduce a "conversation starter"--a guest speaker--and attendees were invited to share current and upcoming activies in their cooperatives. In 2002, Louie suggested that the group meet jointly with the students and faculty at the National Farmers Union College Conference on Cooperatives (CCOC), a tradition that continues to this day. Since then, more than 2,000 students and faculty from more than 40 states and 8 countries have benefited, and more than 200 cooperators have attended.
The Ralph K. Morris Foundation was established in 2001 to carry on the legacy of cooperative leader and attorney Ralph Morris. The foundation provides development opportunities for emerging leaders expressing interest in applying and advancing the principles of cooperation, and in promoting farmland preservation, land stewardship, and sustainability. Gifts are deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions. For more information visit www.ralphkmorrisfoundation.org.